What is happening in my life?

What is happening in my life? Well, I wish I could say nothing much, but that's not it... In 8 months, I have met a lot of new people from different kind of backgrounds and attitudes; I went all the way from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, then to Johor Bahru... Haha, various experiences that, I believe, will build who I am in future... I'm undergoing an international teachers training programme and I thank God for getting that opportunity. I have to agree that not everyone get to choose a career that they enjoy. Looking back at the 10 reasons why I want to become a teacher, I'm sure I will achieve the stated reasons fully as time goes by. I have been assisting classroom teacher for the past two terms (each term is 3 or 4 months duration). Previous term, I was in Kuala Lumpur, assisting Year 5 students while this term, I’m assisting PYP 2 students in Johore… Some people might think being teacher would eventually get boring because we’ll meeting the same students for 1 whole year...