What is happening in my life?

What is happening in my life?
Well, I wish I could say nothing much, but that's not it... In 8 months, I have met a lot of new people from different kind of backgrounds and attitudes; I went all the way from Penang to Kuala Lumpur, then to Johor Bahru... Haha, various experiences that, I believe, will build who I am in future...

I'm undergoing an international teachers training programme and I thank God for getting that opportunity. I have to agree that not everyone get to choose a career that they enjoy. Looking back at the 10 reasons why I want to become a teacher, I'm sure I will achieve the stated reasons fully as time goes by. I have been assisting classroom teacher for the past two terms (each term is 3 or 4 months duration). Previous term, I was in Kuala Lumpur, assisting Year 5 students while this term, I’m assisting PYP 2 students in Johore… Some people might think being teacher would eventually get boring because we’ll meeting the same students for 1 whole year, the schedule we follow and so on… Through my experience so far, I’ve learnt new things about the students, teaching methodology and behaviour management for students and myself, every day. On days when I’m too tired to even wake up from my bed, I just have to think about those enthusiastic children coming to school to learn and yeah, that’s right… That’s what drives my tiring days…

Being far away from family members has given me a chance to feel how it is like to be independent and have freedom…. Most of the weekends, I’d be travelling to KL for my classes and on weekdays, 3 other girls and I are too lazy to go out unless vital for us to get something. Oh ya, there are 3 other girls along with me: Geetha who is my non-biological sister and whom is super-comfy to talk to, Veenothini who is also my non-biological sister, a lil’ stubborn and humorous and Vaishnavi who is a great friend and has a mind of a wise man… We can actually read each other’s’ mind (Hey, that’s true kay!) and we love hanging out with the other teachers from school. We like to hug the teachers there who are like our sisters, mummy, brother (No hugging =D), and friends. Most of the times, we hug everyone around that the teachers think we are CRAZY but yeah, maybe a lil’ =P We, 4 teacher trainees ROCK our school in Johor; I know it sounds boastful but I guess it’s the unity that rocks… I’m unsure if I’m getting to know only friendly people in Johore OR Johorians are ALL friendly… I enjoy my life to the maximum with a lil’ of heartaches at times and happiness most of the times… My parents have been very supportive and they allowed me to continue to stay in JB despite the whole-day-travelling issue… I know that I’m totally gonna enjoy my life and I’m never gonna let small dramas (in family and among colleagues) to ruin this statement of mine…

Now that I’m going to be an active blogger, I’m looking forward to share a lot of information and personal opinions with other out there… Catch you all in the next post…. =D


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