Farewell, oh farewell, my dear friends!

I was very comfy with these four girls like I was with no one else. We were all planning to stay together for the next 3 years or so, but the day came too early for us to say goodbye to each other. From early this year, Geetha had been complaining of dizziness and I knew it had to be something with her anemic sickness. I warned her to check with the doctor and yet my non-biological sister was firm with her decision that it will be better soon. At last, we brought her to the hospital for a check-up and she was on vitamin tablets because she was anemic. Yeah, well, we could have diagnosed that she is anemic too! Anyway, my dear friend chose a perfect Friday morning, *let me make it clear* EARLY morning to FAINT!!!!! I was supposed to be snuggling in bed while my dear friend took a bath first but she planned to faint right at my doorway. At 6.15am, I bet teachers are not mentally retards to arrive that early to work. Veeno and I carried her to the bed and lastly, I made use of Ta...