
Showing posts from March, 2012

Farewell, oh farewell, my dear friends!

I was very comfy with these four girls like I was with no one else. We were all planning to stay together for the next 3 years or so, but the day came too early for us to say goodbye to each other. From early this year, Geetha had been complaining of dizziness and I knew it had to be something with her anemic sickness. I warned her to check with the doctor and yet my non-biological sister was firm with her decision that it will be better soon. At last, we brought her to the hospital for a check-up and she was on vitamin tablets because she was anemic. Yeah, well, we could have diagnosed that she is anemic too! Anyway, my dear friend chose a perfect Friday morning, *let me make it clear* EARLY morning to FAINT!!!!! I was supposed to be snuggling in bed while my dear friend took a bath first but she planned to faint right at my doorway. At 6.15am, I bet teachers are not mentally retards to arrive that early to work. Veeno and I carried her to the bed and lastly, I made use of Ta...

Experiences in Johore!

I have stayed in Johore for almost 6 months now and I'm glad to be staying here. I wish to stay here for another academic year, if possible. I've met people that impressed me and made me feel right at home. As I've stated prior, my first time in Johore and I didn't have much time to travel around in JB because I travel to KL for my classes very frequently. As the New Year came, I was very optimistic of an exciting beginning. I had fun with the 3 other girls and teachers here. I really enjoyed helping Ms Kristine and the 22 students of PYP 3. I found out that my class students can be as dramatic as they want, just like their teachers! =P Each and every day, Ms Kristine and I go through a lot different experiences. Students make you angry and they also make you laugh and smile most of the times. It's a mixed emotion and yet, we, teachers never label any students and love them to the maximum, or at least I do! I met a lot of new friends but I want to specify t...