Time heals the wound?!
We are at that moment in life where we must have experienced grief at least once in our life. Losing a loved one can be an extreme pain whether to a natural cause, sudden occurrence or to leave by choice. What is more difficult is, trying to live life they never had the chance to live and to process the pain. People grieve in different ways and people understand grief in different ways. Personally, I never understood the pain till I saw my precious one going through so much of pain just to live one more day of her life. I have lost a cousin and an aunt when I was young. I had amazing moments with them but I was too young to remember the pain. Not to say losing them was easy, I cried but I also had little memories with them. The problem with grief is that, the more you know the person, the more it impacts you. The deeper the wound is, the longer it takes for the wound to heal. Did I say heal? No, the wound doesn’t heal. The wound stays on, there will never be a scar because the ...