College Life

It has been 4 weeks since I went to college. I was nervous on the first day or should I say, scared because most of the students there had their friends with them. But as time went by, I made friends with the students there. College life is getting better day by day. It's fun to know tat I'm no more a small girl but an adult. I feel independent that I can drive to college but I was also warned by my dad to not go loafing around because Gurney Plaza is just near. So I'm trying my best to be a good girl. It's fun to be with my fellow friends in college. We're like having so much fun in class. I'm taking Biology, Chemistry, Pure Maths, Statistics and General Paper. I'm happy with all my subjects and hopefully I can cope up with those subjects. Not enough of those subjects, I also have my Malaysian Studies which include folio and presentation in the class.


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