Adventure with an insane girl, Racheal!

I’ve been living with an insane girl for the past 3 months!!! =P
She’s not really an insane as I’ve mentioned, she’s more like my soulmate!
Racheal comes from Kuala Lumpur and she’s my roomie!

She’s one year younger than me and so she calls me “Akka” and certainly she’s a sister to me too. I’ve always liked her and missed the fun we used to have during my Diploma times. She’s a funny, practical, matured, creative, cheerful person and not forgetting, crazy too! =D

Being with her has taught me a lot of things about her and about the world. She gives very good advice and we get along very well though I don’t know how we have problems deciding what to eat ALL THE TIME!

We procrastinated together, ended our first year of studies and at the end of the day, we even cried together. We explored Bandar Dato’ Onn together. We walked about 5km to the nearest town, Taman Daya and had fun walking to the warung near my hostel which we called ‘Mid Valley’ =P ;) She gave joy and happiness into all our lives. I’m gonna miss her.

I managed to look past the guy who I really liked when Racheal is here with me, I don’t want to feel lonely again. She gave me a few very important advises like:

---> You can only advise your friends once or twice because they are not small kids anymore.
---> God will always show a way.
---> KARMA!!
---> Always respect your parents and try not to burden your parents by asking for money.
---> Life has to go on.

We had fun analysing people’s date of birth and our own ones too. I love to irritate her as she is the one and only soul here. We both like to irritate other teachers and Adi as well as Ris. These two guys should receive an award for bearing all our nonsense.

We had fun preparing for events with the teachers, especially Honours Day though I wasn’t feeling well during the event. We also went out with Shalini Akka and Suling Akka around JB Town and Danga Bay. This weird species liked the place a lot. Of course, she’d like because it’s all renovated now. Imagine going when the four musketeers went! =P

We celebrated Mother's day together. I have to thank Racheal and her family for accepting me into their family when I couldn't go back to my hometown for Mother's day.

Printing achievement reports was also fun; she kept me company while I was fed up doing the alignment for the report! She managed to keep the teachers’ eyes tear on the last schooling day. I didn’t expect to see the emotional side of hers yet but she showed it. Looking at them, made my eyes tear too but I controlled.

We were close when I was based in KL, now we’re closer, I’d say. After 3 months of your journey in JB, which I’m sure you enjoyed, you got all the teachers’ blessings. You will succeed as one of the best teachers in FISWM, trust me. You have willingness to learn and you have creativity that lacks in a number of other teachers.

All the best in your undertakings. We’re gonna graduate together in 2014 and I’m gonna be proud of you!

Catch you soon! <3 =)


  1. This reminds me how i left the school...u know... PERMANENTLY! I was crying n crying till i reached home...Jz thinking wen will i meet u? wen will u get d chance u had to come to my hse? how will share my feelings to u as i did in our room...? how? how? how? Guess what akka, when i was leaving, i was praying to God that i will get a room mate...better than me....and....thadaaaaaaa....Our Racheal came! Thanks to Racheal who kept akka laughing...Love you Racheal!

  2. Sorry a small mistake! I was praying to God that YOU will and must get a better room mate than me! :p


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